It's spun at last! A full 138 grams (4.8 oz), 422 yards of wool fingering yarn. Not terribly glamourous colorwise, a sort of natural shade I call "oatmeal." Close-up it has a slightly marled appearance, because it's made of white Targhee plied with fawn Corriedale. Voila!

There are two separate skeins of 60-70 gm each, because I didn't think I could wind more than 50 gm on a spindle. But it worked okay, and next time I will be braver. Each skein went through the same process--Corriedale spun onto one spindle, Targhee onto a second spindle.
Then into the plying box with both spindles
so the singles could be plied onto a third slightly heavier spindle.
This yarn is definitely going to be socks, probably an Aran-ish sort of pattern. Maybe straight honeycomb or possibly a cable. Hmmmm.