I have never before knit with bulky yarn. Nor with U.S. # 13 needles. It felt like manipulating tree trunks. But in less than a month, ta-daaaaa !
This is the Abrazo vest, a free pattern from the Fall 2008 issue of "Knitty." It's actually written for "super bulky" yarn, so I had to knit a size up to get a good fit. Of course I had to make a few adjustments to the pattern cuz I didn't entirely approve of the designer's choices: I left off the "shaping," made the shoulders wider, put a garter border at the armhole edge, and re-engineered the center back . . . nothing much really.

And the frosting on the cake? Total frugality. Cadena is just under $6 per skein, and the vest used three skeins. Soooooo. . . yes, a custom-fit, wool/alpaca vest (with cables) for under $18.